The Three Loves: Jenny’s Version Part 1
I have an awesome husband who lays down his life for me in different ways every day. As I read and pondered over his three loves strip my eyes were reawakened to our story from his heart and point of view. And it is true. For him, it really worked that way.
Yet as much as I loved the strip and the sentiment, I found myself in a little funk for awhile. I knew I had to post a response, but I just couldn’t get my finger on it. After several days, it hit me. This post brought up a lot of old pain for me, because for me, it didn’t work that way.
For me, friendship was the start. We were friends for over six years before we started dating. But year two of those six years I was head over heels for him. That died down in time, and we really remained good friends with no romantic expectation or even hope for the other. I totally moved on. By the time year six came and we finally had “the talk,” old feelings I didn’t know I still had erupted to the surface and didn’t really leave again (except maybe here and there during the hardest spots in marriage, but that’s another story). Along with those feelings came hurt I didn’t know I carried towards him.
My hurt was actually misplaced. David never owed me special attention during those years. But by the time we officially decided to start dating, my eros for him was overflowing all over the place and it was hard to contain. I was pretty much ready to get engaged right away.
He was not. Boy was he ever not.
He explained himself very well, and I understood up to a point, but I couldn’t see past my own needs and desires to really GET IT. Now with nearly a decade of marriage under our belts and some perspective at last, I can see clearly from his eyes and I shake my head at the two people in wildly different places God chose to bring together at that time.