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man hugs


Post up rules only for the ones giving hugs:

  1. We are ALL broken children in need of a father.
  2. Full contact: cheek, chest, tummy, bulge. Everything. If baseball athletes can do it, so can you.
  3. Boundaries will be crossed. Pranks will be pulled. Boys will be boys. Just let it be.
  4. Affirmations: if they picked it, they need to hear it. Say it until they know you mean it.
  5. If they say (or scream) anything to you, they need to hear themselves say it. It may be uncomfortable. It may even be wrong. Just let it happen.
  6. We’ve all heard enough words of judgment. Just for a minute, let’s get to know grace.
  7. If the guests want to give hugs, let them.
  8. This is more for you than it is for him. Let change happen.

What affirmations would you want to see on the list?

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